Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy. What is the Difference?

Man being treated for neck pain


Physiotherapy helps the body regain normal movement and function when faced with injury, illness and disability. Physio covers the musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory and neurological systems and how they interact with each other. 

Physio is an evidence-based profession meaning that manual techniques, treatments and management are chosen based on rigorous scientific research. Physio has the general goal of managing the whole person, not just the isolated issue while encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle. 

One aspect physio excels at (when compared with chiro and osteopathy) is functional load management. This may include the prescription of exercise when recovering from an injury, advice on what functional tasks to continue and those to avoid, and return to sport or activity guidance. Physiotherapists may work in closer collaboration to doctors and medical specialists than chiropractors and osteopaths.

Clients who like to take ownership of their own recovery, completing the majority of the work themselves and like to see a clear progression from treatment table to their meaningful goal often prefer physio. 


Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine that is concerned with diagnosis and treatment of the mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.

Chiropractors are highly skilled in manual assessment and treatment of the spine and other areas of the body, however, it is a profession that is newly guided by evidence-based research (ie. research is still considered to be in its infancy).

Treatment and management may include adjustments, massage/myofascial release using hands or tools, posture corrective exercises, education and advice. Chiro uses a holistic approach to health care and aims to prevent the use of medications and avoid surgery.

Clients who prefer their practitioner to do the majority of the work, enjoy passive treatments as the primary management, and feel benefit from regular adjustments often prefer chiropractic. 


Osteopathy, while not as common in Perth, is becoming increasingly utilised. Like chiropractic, osteopathy is a complementary and alternative medicine (pseudoscience) that uses manual treatment techniques as the primary choice of practitioners in managing musculoskeletal disorders.

One distinction between chiropractic and osteopathy is that osteopathy will generally focus on other body areas that may be contributing to the area of disorder.

Like chiropractic, osteopathy isn’t guided by evidence-based research in its practice. Osteopathy aims towards improving the structure and balance of the musculoskeletal framework and will offer advice, education and some exercises to assist with recovery.

Clients who prefer osteopathy may be similar in nature to those who choose chiro with a preference for a broader treatment scope across the body.

There are many occasions where a client may, for example, use physio and chiro at the same time with great effect. This works well when there is good communication between all parties involved, so the client can receive the maximal benefits that contribute towards achieving their ideal goal. 

For more information on how physiotherapy can help manage your injury, click here!


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