Kinima Physio Online - Telehealth
What is Telehealth?
Kinima Physio delivers professional 1-on-1 physiotherapy consultations via a private & secure online video platform. You can access this service from the convenience and comfort of your own home.
What should I expect?
A thorough interview & assessment conducted by our experienced physiotherapists.
A clear diagnosis & management plan (including self-treatment, activity modification & home exercise program).
Exercises are demonstrated & supervised.
Guidance & support for injury recovery.
Is it covered by my Private Health Fund?
From April 14th 2020, Australian health funds will provide rebates for Telehealth Physiotherapy consultations. Click here to check your health fund’s policy on Telehealth coverage.
Does it work?
Yes, it does!
Tele-physiotherapy consultations (also known as Telehealth) have existed for many years.
Recent studies show it can be just as effective as face-to-face consultations in improving injury & quality of life outcomes.
What are your fees?
$111 AUD for Initial 30 minute Tele-physiotherapy consultation.
$111 AUD for Follow Up 30 minute Tele-physiotherapy consultation.
For more information, please email us
Injuries We Can Help You With
Orthopaedics & Surgical
ACL Reconstruction
Knee Arthroscopies & Repairs
Shoulder Repairs
Joint Replacement (Hip & Knee)
Hip Labral Repairs
Ankle Stabilisation
Sporting Injuries
Tendon Overload Injuries
Acute Ankle Sprains
Knee Injuries
Shoulder Injuries
Plantar Fascia Injury
Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow
Muscle Tears
Spine Conditions
Postural & Ergonomic Advice
Acute Lower Back Pain
Acute Neck Pain
Persistent Spinal Pain
Spinal Surgery
Adolescent Low Back Pain
Injury Prevention
Exercise Rehabilitation
Strength & Mobility
Running Assessment & Advice
Sports Specific Injury Prevention
Training Load Management
Concussion Management
Tailored Exercise Programs